
So here's the break down. Princess Fielder, the Brewers' first baseman, get's hit by a pitch from Los Angeles Dodgers' pitcher Guillermo Mota in the ninth inning. Of course, that's just the icing on a cake in the L.A. Dodgers' blowout victory [17-4 yikes!].

Likewise, the Brewer did not approve of being thrown at. He actually went on some kind of rage. So what does Princess Fielder do? Instead of displaying his anger on the field like a normal headcase would, he storms towards the Met's clubhouse after the game! Guards tried to prevent him from entering, but the big/husky/stocky/fat Fielder knocked them aside, and kicked down the clubhouse door. All of the Dodgers (in mid disrobing) stared at Fielder as he roared "WHERE'S DA PIZZA!"

Teammates Casey McGehee and Bill Hall arrived just in time to hold Fielder back, constantly reminding him that they had donuts and hamburgers serving in their own locker room.

"NOOO," Fielder cried. "PIZZA, NOW!"

The Dodgers were not disgruntled by Fielder's incursion. In fact, catcher Russell
Martin was amazed.

"You know, we did in fact order pizza in our celebration, but it didn't arrive yet," claimed Martin. "Fielder knew that pizza was coming. That's just awesome. I mean, his nose that is."

Brewers' manager Ken Macha declined to comment, but did hint before walking off that Fielder would be placed on a diet. "He has to control it. Fielder doesn't like to lose. And when he loses, he wants to eat. We're gonna have to fix that."


MJ Chan said...

hahaha! nice sense of smell

JPM said...

... I hope that white stuff isn't what I think it is...

Dante said...

That white stuff is exactly what you're thinking of: Champagne!

Bleach said...

Wow, someone needs to relax. LOL

JPM said...

Yeah... That was what I was thinking of...


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