Updates: Can I See Tumbleweed?


Yes, our blog updates have been a bit non-existent of late, but expect a flourish of great articles in the next week or so. Part of the reason for this 'tumbleweed' effect has been because of various other commitments outside of The Pigeon Hole, but we're not gonna lie to you: it's mostly because we're just really lazy. To kick off my own personal set of articles, I'll be reviewing the newly released sci-fi film District 9, directed by Neill Blomkamp and produced by the legendary Peter Jackson. I was at a crossroads whether to go see this or Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds first, as both films look spectacular (and have had both critical and commercial success). But after seeing the film's trailer, and realising that Jackson had some involvement in the project - I would attempt to crush a nut with my buttocks for that man - I decided that Blomkamp's sci-fi sizzler was to be the film to see. Sorry Tarantino, as you're usually too good to resist (his films are anyway, not the man himself - have you seen his chin?! It's like that pointy bit you get at the end of a banana).

In other news, our Youtube channel has been up and running for a good few weeks. It's a bit low on content at the moment, with a couple of simple videos on there just so you have something to look at, but expect some more meaninful videos to be released in the coming days - I'm personally working on one that will redefine the meaning of the word 'crap'. Meanwhile, those of you eagerly awaiting our first podcast after the quite sensational teaser, will not have to wait long. The material has mostly been written, recording is soon to get underway and the finished version will be ready very, very soon. I wasn't actually aware how difficult it is to record a meaningful podcast, so it has proven to be a bit of a challenge. I'm aiming for it to last around 5 minutes, but that isn't set in stone yet - I'm not going to drag it out just so that it lasts longer, as tempting as that may be... anyway, exciting times ahead for The Pigeon Hole, as we aim to make up for the recent period of 'not doing anything at all'. So, watch this space and stay tuned.


Dante said...

I have university right now. Legitimate excuse if you ask me.

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