And A Welcome From Me...


Well I see JPM has beaten me to the punch - pfft, typical!

So yes, here we are. I'd like to think that The Pigeon Hole is something a bit different from what I'm normally associated with - the same can probably said for the other site staff as well. Our aim here is pretty much just to have a laugh and enjoy ourselves, although don't take us as a group of slackers - we do work... occasionally. But we also don't take ourselves too seriously, so make sure you don't either.

There's a lot to see and do on this site. Blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts and comics - we really do have it all. Except normality. We didn't have room for that, what with the gangster pigeons (see top of page).

So, look around and, most importantly, have fun! Oh, and join our forums to continue this awesome roller coaster of awesomeness. Awesome.

I don't have a funny picture like JPM though. Well...


JPM said...

Bah, my picture is better.

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